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Song of the Week

Ever wanted to bawl your eyes out because you just cannot take life’s toll anymore? That’s where Winter Aid’s The Wisp Sings comes to your rescue!

The soft melancholic piano notes in the intro of Winter Aid’s The Wisp Sings gives you that private space to be alone with your emotions and to just let go of all of life’s turmoil. Winter Aid’s soft, peaceful, soothing voice lets you know that it is okay to not be okay.

This Indie folk rock song, released in 2013, hints at the theme of unrequited love and speaks of a man who cannot withstand the emotions anymore and just wants to be loved by the person his heart yearns for. The intricacy of the lyrics gives us two opposing emotions : One of happiness, where he is surrounded by "people who cannot speak without smiling" and the other of morose, where he is all alone with his emotions and thoughts. This contrast reminds us that we’ll always have ups and downs in life.

The Wisp Sings may seem like melancholy personified but it’s rhythm of gentleness calms the soul reminding us that there is still a life worth living ahead.

Listen to Winter Aid's The Wisp Sings down below.


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